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Security Bank Corporation

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Security Bank Corporation

8.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 32 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
We have been continuously improving the process and I am excited for what is ahead of us.
Graduate, Philippines - 22 Oct 2023
We usually do our HR assessments through MS Teams and in this way, candidates are more available to do the assessment. After which, the candidates are endorsed for Business Unit interview that is scheduled for face-to-face meetings.
Graduate, Philippines - 20 Oct 2023
I had 3 levels of interview. Hiring process were easy to follow.
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
Strcutured interview process.
Graduate, Manila - 19 Oct 2023
Recruiters are kind
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
As one handling the staff, this is very convenient. We source candidates at sourcing channels, schedule them for exam, once passed we schedule them for interview and assess them. After that, it's offer time. Usually takes 2 to 3 days for sourcing to job offer. It takes time also on how long the candidates take their examinations right away or not.
Graduate, Makati City - 19 Oct 2023
After the HR interview, once passed, we need to endorse them to managers/business units for their perusal, once agreed, the applicant is scheduled for their interview.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Fast paced hiring
Graduate, Makati - 18 Oct 2023
Our interview process consists of 2 parts - one for HR and one with panel interview with hiring managers. Depending on the requirements, for some roles has assessments needed.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
The onboarding was smooth and I received immediate feedback from the result of my interview.
Graduate, Quezon City - 18 Oct 2023
Rank and file candidates are required to undergo an online exam and 1 HR interview. It's pretty straightforward, unless the role requires the candidate to undergo an interview with the business unit. Meanwhile, officer candidates have to undergo 1 HR interview and a couple of business unit interviews, which is highly dependent on the need and role.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Fast interview process since we conduct panel business unit interview
Graduate, Manila - 18 Oct 2023
Interview is fast and quick. They ask direct questions according to the skill set they need.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
I would say that we have an organized and faster hiring process compared to other companies.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Pretty standard and progressive as we're able to hire non college graduates for specific positions.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
It was fairly fast. I applied on February, got interviewed within the month, was supposed to report on March however, I had a problem with my pre-employment requirements so my start date was moved to April. Interview questions were usual, they just probed on my skills and experiences and how I can put them to use when I finally work with them. Overall, it was good, the TAP was very approachable when I had a lot of questions as an applicant; she would always follow up and give me updates accordingly. It was a nice experience as a fresh graduate.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
I was satisfied with how my application was processed before.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Fast and fluid
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
The first interview is the pre-screening interview with the sourcing officer, once passed, you will be endorsed to the hiring manager for final evaluation, once done, they will decide if the candidate is for hiring.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
How do I work? What is my style of working.
Graduate, Philippines - 22 Oct 2023
Educational Background. Employment Background and previous functions. All necessary BSP data.
Graduate, Philippines - 20 Oct 2023
My short- and long-term goals. Why am I leaving my current employer. What is my desired job within SBC
Graduate, Manila - 19 Oct 2023
About my work and ambition
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
What made me decide to work in a banking industry.
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
When I was interviewed, I was asked what are my career goals and what was my experience in HR.
Graduate, Makati City - 19 Oct 2023
Personal Details Educational Background If Fresh Graduate - Internship Experience If w/ Previous Employer - Tenure, Position, Salary, Reason for Leaving, Job Responsibilities Flexibility w/ the work setup Reason for applying in SBC Strength / Weakness Credit Cards/Loans Expected Salary Requirements Available Availability to start
Graduate, Makati City - 19 Oct 2023
Mostly regarding my experiences and how it relates to the role I'm applying for. e.g. How many years of experiences? What's your daily responsibilities?
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Architecture governance process and compliance. How did we force people to comply in my previous company?
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Nickname, place of residence, work history, credit history, medical history, expected salary, availability, preferred work set-up, preferred location
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Duties and responsbilities, what can i contribute to the company, skills i want and need to improve on
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Questions we usually asked our candidates are their academic background, previous work experience, if they have credit/loans, if they have admin or criminal cases, relatives working in SBC, and if they currently work as public servant.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Standard HR questions regarding current/previous employer. Technical interview questions were related to the position I was applying for.
Graduate, Quezon City - 18 Oct 2023
Skills relevant to the role
Graduate, Makati - 18 Oct 2023
Tell me about yourself, Where do you see yourself in 5 years, What was my responsibilities during my internship experience, and other questions related to my resume.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
How my previous experience can help me with the current role I was applying back then. Strengths and areas for improvement.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Why did I apply, my skills and competencies. Some scenario based questions.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
What I know about the role that I am applying for, why am I looking for a new opportunity and what are my main responsibilities in my previous role.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
What are my strengths, weakness, etc
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be confident and smile.
Graduate, Philippines - 22 Oct 2023
It is recommended that applicants have a bit of a background in the banking industry.
Graduate, Philippines - 20 Oct 2023
Be their genuine selves while being professional. This is an online interview so please dress properly, find a place where they could be private and be heard well with an excellent to good internet connection.
Graduate, Makati City - 19 Oct 2023
Please be honest w/ the details provided; the expectations; and goal. Avoid stuttering. Don't be shy and do your best. Prepare the detailed discussion for internship experience or work experience.
Graduate, Makati City - 19 Oct 2023
Enjoy the process and to not panic during the interview as there are no right or wrong answers. We are the one in charge of the interview and answers to be given to the interviewer are facts that we already know.
Graduate, Manila - 19 Oct 2023
Do research and be prepared.
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
Be yourself.
Graduate, Philippines - 19 Oct 2023
My advice to fresh graduates is to prepare themselves with the role they are applying for and really understand the responsibilities and show the willingness to learn the role that they want to be in. For those who have experience, to at least prepare a brief overview of their previous experiences for the recruiter to understand especially that across the roles and industry, there's differences in position titles.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Just be confident and focus on your strengths and build up on the areas for improvement. When an interviewer asks certain questions you are not familiar with, try to answer based on what you know even though how little you know on the subject and be honest how you can improve your understanding on the subject. Some interviewers focus on your rational and critical thinking and approach to a subject not as much as the right answer.
Graduate, Quezon City - 18 Oct 2023
It's important to highlight your experience that is related to the role you are applying for. Be confident and clear with your answers. You can prepare by searching possible questions and jotting down answers
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Know the company and understand the role that you are applying for.
Graduate, Manila - 18 Oct 2023
Be honest on your skill set, someone will catch you base on your responses.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Be honest especially in answering situational questions. The recruiter knows when you're pretending or just searched your answer on google. Be confident and calm as the interview is not an interrogation.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
At least prepare, even for some basic questions, anticipate the questions (for fresh grad) - the things they did during their internship, and just be yourself and be confident about oneself.
Graduate, Philippines - 18 Oct 2023
Just be comfortable and confident; research about the role and company ahead of time
Graduate, Makati - 18 Oct 2023
Just be ready for the questions. Don't be nervous, it could ruin your ability to talk comprehensively and calmly. Make your answers conversational so you don't look like you just memorized them. Be truthful with your answers because they will show in the way you talk about it. The interviewers are nice, so be calm and just showcase yourself like you are selling a product.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Take a look at the job description of the post that they are applying for. Ask questions if there is anything that is unclear.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Best to gather and document all your accomplishments in your previous work. Do practice interview sessions with your friends.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Make sure to do a research of the company's background, run through carefully the job description of the role that you are applying for, recall all your achievements and implemented projects and relate it to how you can help the organization, be confident and honest as well.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023
Research about the company, especially our vision, mission and values. As someone from HR, it's always a good thing to hear from the applicant they did their research about us.
Graduate, Philippines - 17 Oct 2023